Azarizotza » April 1, 2010 » Comments: 3

If you guys didn't see it coming (Adkswil), Ultimus is not leaving the guild to become a raid boss and we're not becoming Major League Baseball.

Shame on those of you who were fooled! See yah next year! :P

By the way, if you didn't catch the April Fools joke on Torment of the Week check it out. Xandie and Solstia worked harder on it than most people do on their taxes!
Our premiere 10-man group downed the Lich King for the first time last night. Congratulations to the first Kingslayers of Trash Mob Death Machine:

Ultimus, Zerkest, Akle, Fastti, Gushma, Aflare, Draivin, Lrdbyron, Livinlarge, Bodasity

Please enjoy the following picture. For more images, take a look at this thread.


To see what other bosses we have downed, please visit the Progression page.
We downed both Professor Putricide and Valithria Dreamwalker for the first time tonight, which brings our progression to 9/12. Please enjoy the following pictures. You can click on the images to view them in full resolution.



To see what other bosses we have downed, please visit the Progression page.
Our most current kill in Icecrown Citadel is the Blood Princes, which brings our progression to 7/12. Please enjoy the following picture.


To see what other bosses we have downed, please visit the Progression page.

Boss Accomplishments

Seipher » March 14, 2010 » Comments: 11

TMDM is currently working to bring you our most recent kills in "Icecrown Citadel". Please enjoy the following pictures.

25man Icecrown Citadel (Normal)
1. Lord Marrowgar
Lord Marrowgar 25man ICE.jpg
Lord Marrowgar 25man ICE.jpg (42.86 KiB) Viewed 62763 times
2. Lady Deathwhisper
Lady Deathwhisper 25man Ice.jpg
Lady Deathwhisper 25man Ice.jpg (49.88 KiB) Viewed 62763 times
3. Icecrown Gunship Battle
Icecrown Gunship Battle 25man.jpg
Icecrown Gunship Battle 25man.jpg (45.54 KiB) Viewed 62763 times
4. Deathbringer Saurfang
Deathbringer Saurfang 25man.jpg
Deathbringer Saurfang 25man.jpg (42.25 KiB) Viewed 62763 times
5. Festergut
Festergut 25man.jpg
Festergut 25man.jpg (48.59 KiB) Viewed 62763 times
6. Rotface
Rotface 25man Downed.jpg
Rotface 25man Downed.jpg (52.35 KiB) Viewed 62763 times
7. Blood Prince Council
Blood Prince Council 25man Downed.jpg
Blood Prince Council 25man Downed.jpg (39.03 KiB) Viewed 62763 times
10man Icecrown Citadel (Normal)
1. Lord Marrowgar
2. Lady Deathwhisper
3. Icecrown Gunship Battle
4. Deathbringer Saurfang
5. Festergut
6. Rotface
7. Professor Putricide
8. Blood Prince Council
9. Blood-Queen Lana'thel
10. Valithria Dreamwalker
11. Sindragosa

25man Trial of the Grand Crusader: (Hard Modes)
Icehowl (Northrend Beasts)
Lord Jaraxxus

Normal 25man Trial of the Crusader:
Icehowl (Northrend Beasts)
Lord Jaraxxus
Faction Champions
Twin Val'Kyr

10 Man Trial of the Grand Crusader: (Hard Mode 10 Man)
Northrend Beasts
Lord Jaraxxas
Faction Champions
Twin Val'kyr

25 Man Ulduar:
Flame Leviathon (+2 Tower)
Ignis The Furnace Master
Iron Council

10 Man Ulduar: (14/14 Progression)
Flame Leviathon (4 Towers Up Hardest Mode)
XT-002 (Hard Mode)
Assembly of Iron
Hodir (Hard Mode Under 3 Min)
Freya (Hard Mode +1)
Thorim (Hard Mode)
General Vezax (Hard Mode)
Algalon the Observer