Here you go Miss. Sparkles only for my secrets run.
This is the first tier TMDM has ever completed on heroic. As the raid and guild leader for 6 tiers now, that means more to me than anything. This was a group effort that a lot of dedicated raiders made a reality. Raiders that, given the chance, could have easily left and gotten their kill elsewhere without any real effort but decided to stick around and finish this with the best guild ever. I want to give a special thanks to the following people who made this tier happen.
From the original 10man:
- Promise, for being my core paladin healer and best friend for 5 years. You've come a long way from a track-pad on a shitty laptop.
- Nellow, for going from "hey, I'll tank this tier" way back in the 10man to 800k dps on Garrosh. Without a strong tank we would have been dead in the water a year ago.
- Sig, for setting such a great example for everyone else in the raid. You could easily compete with any mage on this server, and you chose to grind this out with me since our normal Immerseus kill in October of last year.
- Andrei, for finding us in April and being awesome; for server transferring back after I reformed as 25man and being awesome.
- Skycross, for joining in April and immediately becoming the butt of every Canadian joke imaginable, and for doing whatever I asked and whatever it took to improve.
- Sadows, for coming out of nowhere and casting [Rushing Jade Wind] so hard it broke my meters, and for stepping up as our Brewmaster kiter on Garrosh.
- Hideyerkids, for putting us in OQueue every night and making goddamn-sure the raid happened (except for the night we raided the Alliance shrine on Malorne, which was totally worth it) and for doing what Disc priests did best this tier.
- Misschaotica, for giving us that opportunity to raid the Alliance shrine on Malorne. Also for being the nicest, most polite raider ever.
- Necro, for putting us in OpenRaid every night and also making goddamn-sure the raid happened. Also for yelling "Bombs!" repeatedly until Siegecrafter died.
- Firion, for being the dependable, silent raider that's never on the radar, never says no and never gives up.
- Buzter, for being there every night and giving 100%, even though you'd already done this.
- Nielairiel
- Adellaria
- Hadigar
- Galso
- Jeremymanle
- Snarful-Illidan
- Phazlock-BleedingHollow
- Sapntíckle-BleedingHollow
- Ideology-Stormreaver
- Roco-Proudmoore
It took a lot of practice and determination, but tonight it paid off when we downed a boss many guilds have long since given up on. To Garrosh Hellscream!