
Maybe it would have been easier if we had just let He Softfoot slam Bodasity from behind the entire fight.

Galakras (10man Heroic)

Zarillion » December 11, 2013 » Comments: 452


Kind of a let-down when you have a ton of dps. Still a fun fight though.

Norushen (10man Heroic)

Zarillion » December 10, 2013 » Comments: 540


Loot ship.

Where do I start? After over an hour of attempts with Haxial attempting to tank in [Battle Stance], we finally found a good positioning and groove to make it through the first few phases.

Protip: Tell your Holy Paladin to leave [Righteous Fury] on to gather up all the adds. Then promise them the off-tank will definitely pick them all up before they die. Break said promise every attempt.

Challenge Modes

Zarillion » November 26, 2013 » Comments: 452


Thank you Nellow for doing the research and putting the group together. Didn't even feel very challenging.