It still surprises me that Nellow can single tank phase 2. Kudos to the healers for their pro external rotation as well!
As is common for TMDM raids, we like to go against the norm by making hard fights easy and easy fights hard. My favorite is probably the night we finally pulled it together and killed him on the one attempt we spawned a [Ravager] like 30 seconds in.
Why would anyone ever two tank this fight? Three tanking it makes it a complete joke, even with the addition of [Iron Prison]. What? Doesn't every 10man group have 4 players with 570 tank gear?
Protip: Be sure to drop [Toxic Storm] right in your tank's path. Otherwise he'll get bored.
Looks like we finally got a healer composition capable of doing a million-billion heals. Too bad it didn't include the "I'm doing a million-billion heals" guy.
The key to success? Me yelling "GO GET FISSURES" in vent every 5 seconds. Also, the maze was a joke; two left turns and you're out every time. Really Blizzard? You could at least randomize it a little.